Hit up Westwood today with Andrew, Max, Jon, and Benjy. Hit the road sorta aimlessly then decided to hit up some spot Jon recommended, Tommy Taco. Sat in traffic on the way there. Nothin' new in L.A. Got there and caught a few good flicks. Gayley Plaza is what's up. Grabbed some Diddy Riese after the meal. Big ups to Benjy for spotting me the two bucks for the brownie and ice cream. Good deal.
Chantel gave Andrew a call and said she needed to get picked up at the Universal subway stop. So we hopped back into traffic and headed over to the bus stop. Benjy and I were both desperate to find a bathroom, so as soon as we got there we headed out on a little mission. Benjy immediately pointed out one of his sweet hit-ups from '06, and Max found one of his. They get up, you know? Walked through the subway station and still couldn't find a bathroom, so we headed a couple blocks down to a Carls Jr. and relieved ourselves there. On the way we spotted another throwback in the form of an Embassy sticker on some street sign. After that we found Chantel, then hit the road and came back home.
Pretty good week. Had some ups and downs, but it's ending pretty smoothly. Hopefully the weekend brings some more good times. If not then i'll be content to repeat tonight, and sit around listening to Blue Scholars. Either way, there will be pictures. Thanks for reading.
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